How to Get an Hourglass Figure – step by step guide

Hey beauties! I hope you guys are doing amazing!

Let’s talk about the popular hourglass figure, the sought-after hourglass shape that you’ve probably seen on billboard ads, magazines, on Social Media by influencers and celebrities on the red carpet. We are going to discuss if it is possible to get this figure and how! Keep reading!

Is It Possible to Get an Hourglass Figure?

The truth is, that having that classic hourglass shape – the chiseled shoulders, the small waist and those lovely lower body curves – does not really mean that you are more attractive or healthier. And it’s important to remember that many celebrities we see in photographs don’t actually have those perfect measurements.

Instead, they have expensive cosmetic procedures and use the best personal trainers and dietitians, expensive shapewear and the help of the best beauty aids available in the modern world: Photoshop.

With all of that said, if you’d like to get rid of a few centimeters from around your waist and tone your shoulders, hips and bust to create a figure that is close to an hourglass figure, then there are a few steps that you can follow! Any habit you can do to become stronger, fitter and healthier is always a good thing – though, be realistic on your goals and remember that a perfect hourglass figure may be almost impossible to achieve in a healthy and natural way.

However, a few changes to your fitness routines combined with better dietary habits can all influence the way your body looks. Let’s now dive into a few things that can help you trim your waistline while accentuating your curves.

Hourglass Figure Basics

Those who are considered to have an hourglass figure typically have a smaller waist that is balanced out by curvy hips and a larger bust. This means that there are three key areas to work on to build a more hourglass-like shape:

·         Your upper body

·         Your waist

·         Your glutes, upper thighs, and hips

The emphasis of what you work on will depend on your natural shape. If you are slim, you may want to concentrate your efforts on building muscle in your chest and shoulder areas to become broader there. If you carry weight at the midsection, then working on that may be your priority.

How to get a smaller waist

It is almost impossible to spot-reduce fat in just one area of your body, therefore, focusing on overall healthy weight loss is the best way to reduce the fat around your waistline.  But there are some exercises and workouts that can be successful at targeting fat around your waistline.

#1. Yoga

As a waist whittler, yoga is hard to beat. Yoga poses such as Bow Pose, Boat Pose, and Reverse Warrior can stimulate, tighten, and tone your deep core muscles.

#2. Planks

Planks and other stability exercises and workouts have the capability to activate your inner core. And this may help with trimming your waistline.

#3. High-intensity interval training (HIIT)

HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, is a great way to burn lots of calories in a short time and really work on stubborn belly fat. This type of cardio workout requires you to do short but very intense exercise, followed by a short rest period.

HIIT workouts vary, but all have the same rhythm  – say 30 seconds of fast running, followed by 15 seconds of walking – can be repeated in a pattern of 15-30 minutes for extremely effective results.

How to tone your hips and thighs

You can try the following exercises to help you shape and tone the muscles in and around your hips. Target to do these toning workouts three to four times a week.

#1. Squats

Squats are a great way to shape and strengthen your lower body parts. They’re especially good for toning your hip, glute and thigh muscles. Doing just a set of 10-12 squats three or four times a week can make a huge difference in your overall shape.

#2. Fire hydrants

Fire hydrant workouts, also known as dirty dog exercises or hip side lifts, aim your hip area and glutes. This workout also uses your core muscles for stability.

Again, start with a few sets of 10-12 repetitions per side every few days and build up as you get better at them.

#3. Lunges

As simple as they are, lunges are a great way to build lean muscle mass in your buttocks and thighs. They also work core abdominal muscles and give your butt a nice lift! Begin with 10-12 lunges per leg at a time and build up your reps gradually.

How to tone your shoulders and bust

Toning your shoulders as a part of your efforts to create an hourglass figure can be a challenge. Most of us want to look fit and solid but not broad and bulky.

Here’s the good news: You can shape up your bust size naturally through exercise. And there are many different workouts that you can incorporate to give your shoulders a well-formed curve.

#1.    Wall pushups

Wall presses, also called wall pushups, are an excellent way to tone the pectoral muscles as well as the “chicken wing” area beneath your arms and your upper shoulders.

Try to do 10 to 15 of these pushups at a time. Rest for a few minutes, then do another set.

#2. Traditional Pushups

Traditional pushups are a great way to tone your shoulder area without bulking up. These are great for helping to create the “upper half” of an hourglass figure too.

You can make doing them more fun by setting yourself a push-up challenge. Start with just five and add an extra one every day.

What is the hourglass ratio diet?

There is no exceptional diet that will magically give you an hourglass figure. And contrary to popular opinion, there’s no magic diet that’ll change your body shape. Simply concentrate on maintaining a healthy, well balanced diet and taking better care of your gut health to help reduce bloating. Here are some simple tips:

·         Avoid over-processed foods, as they often contain too much salt and sugars.

·         Cut out sugary drinks and reduce the amount of fizz you consume in general. This even includes things even like Diet Coke, as those bubbles can lead to bloating.

·         Drink a lot of water, herbal tea and detox drinks.

·         Probiotics can improve your digestion and reduce bloating. The best source is fresh Greek yogurt, which is also an excellent source of muscle-building protein.

·         Eat healthy fats, like those found in olive oil, avocados, seeds, and nuts.

·         Watch your portion sizes. And ask yourself if you’re really hungry before loading up on seconds.

Does waist trainers work?

It’s best to stay away from waist trainers as a way to get a long term result of hourglass figure. While they help you slim your waist down, these tight, corset-like devices can cause health problems such as breathing and even damage your internal organs. And contrary to what you see on Social Media, waist trainers and corset won’t help you lose weight.

You’re much better off following a diet plan and workout routine to get the curves you want.

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