Things You Don’t Need in Your Wardrobe

Hey beauties!

Do you ever find yourself buying things in your closet that you don’t need? To help you separate out what is truly useful to spend money on from what’s not, I’ve compiled a list of 8 things you never need to buy for your wardrobe. Overbuying is not eco-friendly and simply a waste of money. Here are easy ways to save money, be kinder to the environment, and be a smarter consumer all year long.

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How To Take Smart Risks In The Pursuit Of Your Goals

Hey beauties! s I took a big leap of faith to see what I can create for myself. It’s not only about financial gain, but also about personal growth. And to be honest, the personal growth has been greater than the financial aspect – literally. However, what I’ve learned along the way, I’ll have it to use for anything else I’ll do.

Are you thinking for taking a risk but don’t know where to start? Here are a few steps to get you started on your journey.

Don’t forget to follow me on IG at naobelle1 ❤️🙏🏾

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6 Reasons Why Quality Sleep Is Important

Hey beauties!
Do you get enough quality sleep? I just realized lately that my sleep need improvement, so I did some research, here is what I found out why we need to work toward getting better quality sleep.

Are you one of those people that take pride in the fact that they get little sleep, with the reason being that they use their precious time to catch up on work or other activities they deem to be of a “higher priority”? This was me… but the more I researched, I realized that this is the wrong mindset to have if you want to live well, be physically and mentally healthy, and be fully productive at whatever you are doing. Keep read to find out 6 health benefits of quality sleep. 

And don’t forget to follow me on IG at naobelle1❤️❤️

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This Is Why I do Chemical Peel

Hey beauties!

Have you ever considered getting a chemical peel? There are a lot of options today to maintain or achieve beautiful “wrinkle-free” skin, and one of those options is by adding a chemical peel to your personalized skincare routine. Keep reading to find out 4 reasons why chemical peels are the secret to beautiful skin.

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15 Things Every Woman Should Carry In Her Purse

Her beauties! Let’s talk things inside our bags!

I bet you that if you dug around your best friend’s favorite purse, you’d most likely discover things about her that you never knew. While every girl’s purse and what is inside are different, there are a few must-have essentials that every woman needs to keep stashed for any crises that might happen (hey, things do happen to even the best of us). As if you weren’t already carrying around your entire life, but keep reading to found out what you should have in your purse.

Your purse is the perfect storage for all the things you need to get through the day, but what things do you need exactly? It’s important to prioritize and strategically pack things so that you can make your purse the go-to spot for anything you need throughout the day. Here are 15 things I always keep in my purse and maybe you’b be inspired:

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How To Shape Eyebrows – 6 Tips For The Perfect Eyebrow

Hey beauties! I have some tips on how you can improve your eyebrow game! 💕

Eyebrows are an important feature for the face not only for protecting our eyes from dust, sweat, and dirt, but to also give us social meaning for emotional expression and facial recognition. It is therefore important to know how to make your eyebrows correctly. Having perfectly done and gorgeous eyebrows are one of the latest trends in makeup. Are you just beginning your makeup exploration, or finding it hard to shape the perfect eyebrows? Good news, ladies and gentlemen! This article will explain how to do eyebrows at home in 6 easy steps to get you that fuller striking brows.

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This Is Why I Use Menstrual Cup

Hey Beauties! 

Most of us women are tired of consistently buying tampons and sanitary pads when that time of the month is approaching. With constant expenses, risk of leakage in public and the possibility of accompanying odor associated with usage, sanitary pads and tampons might not be the best feminine hygiene products for everyone. Have you ever considered trying a menstrual cup as an alternative? I changed my habits and started using menstrual cups! And I’m happy I did. Keep reading, I’ll explain what a menstrual cup is, the different types of menstrual cups and how to use them, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Find out why a menstrual cup might be the best feminine hygiene product for you for that special time of the month.  

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7 Quick Ways To Destress

Hey beauties! Let’s talk about stress.

Managing our daily lives is not an easy task because we are constantly surrounded by stress. Whether from domestic problems, expectations on social media, a demanding job or, sometimes even, from exposure to the hustle and bustle of traffic-choked roads on a daily commute, stress invades our lives. 

Stress, which is a feeling of emotional or physical tension, has proven to have not only a mental, but also a physical effect on our bodies, as it can affect our sleep, appetite and mood.  This is why it is important to know how to deal with stress and the stressful situations which occur in our lives on a daily basis. Here are a few things that you can do o help you to relax de-stress: 

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The Health Benefits Of Honey

Hey beauties!

Are you one of those people that think honey is your enemy? Yes, honey is full of everything that goes against a “healthy” diet. Too sweet and rich in carbs? Well, you might want to rethink that. Honey has many health benefits and even helps with weight loss journey. 

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How to Remove Acrylic Nails Without Damaging Your Nails

Hey beauties! I hope you all are having a wonderful evening!

We all know that removing acrylic nails at home can be a headache! This is why sometime we go for gel nails. Although there is the fear of losing natural nails in the process of removing acrylic nails, still, acrylic nails are very affordable and make for amazing looks! It is therefor not strange that many people love them. If you are one of those that loves acrylic nails, I have good news for you. In this post, you will find out how to safely remove your Acrylic nails.

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