How To Take Smart Risks In The Pursuit Of Your Goals

Hey beauties! s I took a big leap of faith to see what I can create for myself. It’s not only about financial gain, but also about personal growth. And to be honest, the personal growth has been greater than the financial aspect – literally. However, what I’ve learned along the way, I’ll have it to use for anything else I’ll do.

Are you thinking for taking a risk but don’t know where to start? Here are a few steps to get you started on your journey.

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“The higher the risk, the higher the reward” – is a popular saying. You can navigate life by living safely, without stepping on the edge, and still be perfectly happy. But that generally leaves you with regret on your deathbed (sorry to be morbid!) – with words like “If only I had,” “what if I had,” “why didn’t I?”.  

What Does Risk-taking Mean?

It’s self-explanatory. Risk-taking is the act of stepping outside your comfort-zone, investing all your energy pursuing the unknown. It’s also taking the advantages of possibilities that might be outhere, these advantages however will take an emotional, personal, physical toll on you, but it might help bettering your situation. It’s the gesture of going beyond your comfort-zone and known to explore other possibilities.

How to Be a Successful Risk Taker

You only have one life, but that life is long enough to risk two or more if you are brave enough to try. To take risks is to live all that life has to offer without regrets. Here’s how to get to take a leap of faith, and be successful – with these few steps:

1.  Accet failure – It’s not how you fall, it’s how you get up: 

You should know that failure precedes success. When you learn to take risks to succeed, the most challenging lesson is often that failure is part of the process. No one knows how to do something the first time they try. When you were a kid, how long did it take you to walk before you could run? How many times did you fail at biking before you finally succeeded? Failure is not something you can avoid, as it is most times a prerequisite for success. 

Make a positive change to failure; think of it as a learning process that you must go through to be successful. Once you have this mindset, then you can be assured that success is not far fetched!

2. Assess the risk and the eventualities

Like any else, you have to consider both the profits and losses before venturing into it. Perhaps it is a relationship that can’t be saved – are there assets to save or you’ll just walk away?  Do you want to start a business? How much money are you willing to lose, how long are you willing to hang on before you start winning?

Think about security, financial stability, and emotional well-being, among other things.  Is the loss you may encounter worth the potential gain? Make your decisions after you’ve done your homework.

3. Commit and give a 1000%

Commit to the project, hence the risk you take unreservedly as if this is the only chance you have at being successful. Be sure that the risk you are seeking is what you want and consider everything you are giving up just for an opportunity to be successful.  

Let’s say you want to start up a company in Asia: you may get sick, experience cultural or language barriers, you could even lose your home, but it could be the best experience of your life if you accept the adventure and, yes, also the difficulties. Of course, this may fail, and there may be other possibilities, but don’t let those possibilities slip you out of the opportunity you have now.

4. Be reasonable

Considering a risk because of your mood or temporary circumstances is not the best way to go. You might be considering taking up a new job, for example, because it was challenging to work with your boss. But is this behavior normal? Perhaps this risk that promises to enrich you seems good simply because you are in a temporary financial situation. 

Be careful not to base your risk on pure emotions because emotions change with the tide, and you could end up with something that looked good at the time, but in the end, it might be a terrible risk.

5. Know your limits

Think about the type of risk you want to take. Does it match your personality, personal goals, or ambitions? You may be considering a sales job, for example, and you think you can overcome your shyness with the right amount of money. You can do it superficially, but not in the long term. 

It is better to choose a risk that suits your personality, and not try to change to fit the risk. With risks, you will have to go out of your comfort zone, but you don’t have to undergo a personality transformation to match your risk. 

The first thing is to know yourself and then choose the risks that you can derive joy from when undergoing it, not something suitable for others.

6. Stay true to yourself

Other people may discourage you from taking risks. Some will make you see reasons while they feel you shouldn’t engage in it, thereby making you swim in a sea of ​​doubt.  The fact that you are considering taking risks means that you are passionate about something and risk losing something to gain what you are most passionate about. Trust that you have assessed the potential gains and losses, believe in your abilities, and succeed.

6. Know when it’s time to let go

While it sounds contrary to everything you’ve read so far, sometimes you just have to quit. Set limits on the risk you take so you know the point of no return when the risk no longer pays off. 

Bottom Line

The best advice I can give you, from a personal point of view, is not to look back and then regret not having taken any risks. 

I took a big leap of faith to see what I can create for myself. It’s not only about financial gain but also about personal growth. And to be honest, personal growth has been greater than the financial aspect – literally. However, what I’ve learned along the way, I’ll have it to use for anything else I’ll ever do in the future, and that’s something. 

Do you feel you need to take risks to achieve your goals? Do let me know your thoughts in the comment section.

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