How To Take Smart Risks In The Pursuit Of Your Goals

Hey beauties! s I took a big leap of faith to see what I can create for myself. It’s not only about financial gain, but also about personal growth. And to be honest, the personal growth has been greater than the financial aspect – literally. However, what I’ve learned along the way, I’ll have itContinue reading “How To Take Smart Risks In The Pursuit Of Your Goals”

6 Reasons Why Quality Sleep Is Important

Hey beauties!Do you get enough quality sleep? I just realized lately that my sleep need improvement, so I did some research, here is what I found out why we need to work toward getting better quality sleep. Are you one of those people that take pride in the fact that they get little sleep, withContinue reading “6 Reasons Why Quality Sleep Is Important”

This Is Why I Use Menstrual Cup

Hey Beauties!  Most of us women are tired of consistently buying tampons and sanitary pads when that time of the month is approaching. With constant expenses, risk of leakage in public and the possibility of accompanying odor associated with usage, sanitary pads and tampons might not be the best feminine hygiene products for everyone. HaveContinue reading “This Is Why I Use Menstrual Cup”

7 Quick Ways To Destress

Hey beauties! Let’s talk about stress. Managing our daily lives is not an easy task because we are constantly surrounded by stress. Whether from domestic problems, expectations on social media, a demanding job or, sometimes even, from exposure to the hustle and bustle of traffic-choked roads on a daily commute, stress invades our lives.  Stress,Continue reading “7 Quick Ways To Destress”

A Few Changes You Can Make in Your Life Starting Today

Hey beauties! How are you guys doing today? I’ve been thinking lately about change! It doesn’t have to be New Year’s resolution to start making positive changes to better my life. That I can make the decision and step up to the plate and change a few things starting today. A little change here andContinue reading “A Few Changes You Can Make in Your Life Starting Today”

5 Detox Drink Recipes For Weight Loss And Body Cleanse

Hey beauties! I hope your weekend was amazing! I’ve been detoxing lately and I thought that I’ll share with you the benefits of detoxing your body and detox drinks recipes. The movement of detoxing has progressively taking the fitness and health enthusiasts by storm. As the name suggests, detoxing is a practice aimed to helpContinue reading “5 Detox Drink Recipes For Weight Loss And Body Cleanse”

7 Secrets To Succeeding As A Risk Taker

Hey beauties! Let’s talk about life and goals. Where are you headed? What are you doing to get there? Are you taking any risks? “The higher the risk the higher the return?” – is a popular saying. It’s easier to navigate through life on the safe side, without stepping on the edge, and still beContinue reading “7 Secrets To Succeeding As A Risk Taker”

4 Effective Ways To Lose Belly Fat

Hey beauties! It’s almost sommers and losing some belly fat is always a preoccupation. Getting rid of a beer belly is a task that is not without its struggles. The belly is one of the thriftiest parts of our body that doesn’t like saying goodbye to its savings. However, with the right combination of aContinue reading “4 Effective Ways To Lose Belly Fat”

7 Effective Ways to Figure Out What You Want In Life

Hey beauties! So I’ve been thinking a lot about life lately. What do I want and where Am i going, so I’ve decided to share the steps with you. At any point in life, determining what you want with your life can feel like a huge amount of pressure. Whether this topic comes when you’reContinue reading “7 Effective Ways to Figure Out What You Want In Life”