7 Quick Ways To Destress

Hey beauties! Let’s talk about stress.

Managing our daily lives is not an easy task because we are constantly surrounded by stress. Whether from domestic problems, expectations on social media, a demanding job or, sometimes even, from exposure to the hustle and bustle of traffic-choked roads on a daily commute, stress invades our lives. 

Stress, which is a feeling of emotional or physical tension, has proven to have not only a mental, but also a physical effect on our bodies, as it can affect our sleep, appetite and mood.  This is why it is important to know how to deal with stress and the stressful situations which occur in our lives on a daily basis. Here are a few things that you can do o help you to relax de-stress: 

#1. Meditate

In reality, meditation does not necessarily require any advanced skill. It is just a practice of calming your mind and regulating your breathing. Close your eyes, be in the moment and don’t react or pay attention to anything around you. Focus only on your breathing, on the sensation of inhaling and exhaling. Even if it is just for a minute… Meditation helps you keep a clear mind and sets you on a right track by clearing your thoughts for some period of time. If you want to go a bit further, you can try out yoga which also relaxes the mind and body. And if you are religious, prayer does not only maintain your connection with your Creator, but also acts as a form of meditation.

 #2. Create A Pleasant Atmosphere

This is simple to do if you want to incorporate something into your daily activities to de-stress. Take a warm bath instead of a shower, play some relaxing music whilst cooking, sit in a quiet and calm place with nature (such as a park) during your lunch break or light your favourite scented candles in your bedroom for some minutes before going to bed; doing these things helps in creating a pleasant and calming atmosphere which allows you to relax and free your mind from the stressors in your daily life.

#3. Express Your Feelings

Have you ever been in a situation where you were angry or frustrated with someone, but because voicing out your thoughts to them could be detrimental, you decided to write it out in a letter you never intend to send? If you have, you would know that doing this definitely helps in relieving your anger and frustration. The same thing works for de-stressing. Keep a daily journal, whether a physical one, or a digital one on your phone or computer, where you express all your feelings and frustrations concerning your everyday life and struggles. If you are more of a talker than a writer, you can record videos of yourself on your phone narrating your experiences and talking about your feelings. Trust us, you would definitely feel much more relaxed and calmer after this! In addition, you would have a consistent record of your everyday occurrences which you can refer to in the future.

 #4. Do Something That You Like

Reading, something as simple as a short and entertaining piece (on our platform for example!), watching your preferred series or your favourite Youtuber, cooking, baking, drawing or even something as simple as taking selfies; doing activities you genuinely like to do definitely help in de-stressing your mind and body. By doing something you like, even if it is for just some minutes everyday or every other day, you create a positive atmosphere and lift your mood thereby relieving stress.

#5. Exercise

The importance of exercise for the body and mind cannot be overstated. Exercise releases endorphins which are mind-boosting chemicals that help with stress relief. Not even speaking of the physical health benefits of exercise, such as strengthening your heart muscle and helping you maintain a healthy weight; exercise helps you free your mind and de-stress. Although it is great to partake in active physical activities, such as basketball, tennis, and going to the gym, if you do not have the time or opportunity to do such activities you can simply take a daily walk. Also, opt for taking the stairs rather than the elevator and use every opportunity you can to walk or jog.

#6. Take A Break From Your Phone

In our current generation, stress tends to follow us everywhere because it is constantly with us… through our phones! Consistent emails, messages, social media notifications and news updates affect our minds more than we think. This is because we never get a rest from the updates and expectations of other people. The solution is simple- turn off your phone… for 30 minutes, or even just an hour daily, to escape from the global community. Make it a routine to have a daily phone break where you can use that time instead to cook, write, exercise, or meditate, without worrying about all the unread messages and notifications on your phone.

#7. Seek Professional Help

If nothing seems to help you relieve stress, it is always a good idea to get help from a professional. You can start by talking to your doctor to see how you can manage stress in order to prevent it from affecting your health and your life.

To live a full and healthy life, you need to try as much as possible to keep your mind and body protected from the stress, which naturally tends to affect us due to our hectic daily routines. With the help of our tips, you would surely be on your way to a positive and more relaxed life… stress-free!  

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